The Journey CD (Eric Waddell & Abundant life singers)

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Yksi Baltimoren, Marylandin tunnetuista gospelkuoroista. Lyhyessä ajassa kuoro on osallistunut monenlaisiin tapahtumiin, joihin kuuluu kaikkea konferensseista ja festivaaleista korkean profiilin konsertteihin.

Vokalistija Eric Waddellin mestarillisen ohjauksen alaisuudessa.

Tämän tuotteen kohdalla toimitusaika vaihtelee (riippuen tuotteen saatavuudesta) ja saattaa toisinaan olla reilustikin toimitusehdoissa mainittua aikaa pidempi. Toimitusaika-arviota voi tiedustella s-postitse.

They have grown to become one of Baltimore, Maryland’s premiere gospel choirs. With such a few short years in ministry, the choir has participated in a gamut of events to include everything from conferences and festivals to high profile concerts. In its history, this aggregation of phenomenal vocalists, under the masterful direction of Elder Eric Waddell, has packaged a sound that is, for lack of better words, reminiscent of choirs from artists such as Hezekiah Walker, Ricky Dillard, and Professor James Hall, to name a few. With a resume that includes sharing the stage with legends such as the late Pastor Timothy Wright and Albertina Walker to gospel headliners like, Pastor John P. Kee, Pastor Marvin Sapp, Vashawn Mitchell, Pastor Charles Jenkins, Earnest Pugh, and the legendary Dr. Ricky Dillard, Eric Waddell & ALS are poised to make their mark in today’s gospel music industry.

Eric Waddell & Abundant life singers
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